Saturday 29 June 2024

Meet the 2024 Team - Pippa

Hi, I’m Pippa. I am 15 years old and have grown up as a member of St Andrew’s. When St Andrew’s sent their first team to visit South Africa in 2015 I was only six years old. Growing up I have heard from those who have been what an amazing experience it is and over the years I have grown up knowing that I too would love to volunteer to go one day. And this summer I will be part of a group of eleven people from St Andrew’s (including my parents and my brother) making the trip.

With less than a month to go until we fly out, it is all getting very real. I have had my vaccinations this week, and have been out shopping for some long skirts which is what I am required to wear while visiting the communities (but is not a style I am accustomed to!) We also have our final planning meeting coming up next Saturday.

I would like to thank everyone who has supported the fundraising activities over the past seven months. Whether you came to the Burns Night, Quiz Night, Afternoon Tea, sponsored the 24 hour bike ride or supported us some other way I am really grateful for everyone’s contributions which are enabling me to go on the trip.

I anticipate that this will be a life changing and humbling experience for me. I am looking forward to experiencing another culture and learning about the reality of day to day life for children and young people who do not have the privileges that we enjoy here.

Friday 28 June 2024

Meet the 2024 team - Harry

My name is Harry and as some of you may well not know me yet he’s a brief introduction. I’m 17 years old studying at sixth form college and live a few miles away from Biggleswade in a village called Fenstanton. You’ll likely know John and Ben - they are my uncle and cousin who I am looking forward to sharing this exciting opportunity with. 

Going to Africa this summer will be a totally new experience for me, seeing life on a different continent and from a totally different perspective. 

I know how lucky I am to live here with all that I have, and think going to Africa will open my eyes to a totally different way of life of those that have so few material goods yet continue to serve others. 

It will be good to spend time with and encourage the care workers through sharing our faith and connecting with God together.

I’m especially looking forward to meeting the joyous children and interacting with them whether it be through playing, singing or simply sharing a smile. 

I am grateful for this opportunity and hope our visit will bring a little joy and care to all those we meet.

Monday 24 June 2024

Meet the team 2024 - Matthew

Hi, I’m Matthew and I am 20 years old and I have an older sister called Rebekah. I love sport especially football and I play darts for my local team and I also support West Ham. I used to go to St Andrew’s Sunday School and whilst I do have a faith I didn’t continue going to church after 13. I am currently working part time and having not gone to university I have been trying to secure an apprenticeship. I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to join the team, which includes my dad, going out to Africa this year.


At this moment in time, I cannot say how this experience will affect me or shape me but by committing to this team and with their support this is something I really want to do. At a couple of the fundraiser events I have stood up with other members of the team and I have acknowledged how  lucky we are here in the UK for instance with ready access to food, transport and places to go and visit and enjoy.  I’m sure this visit will teach me not to take anything for granted. I’m really looking forward to meeting the children and the care givers and to appreciate the lives of those that do not have the same benefits that I have here in the UK.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Meet the 2024 team - Ben

Hi. I’m Ben, some of you may know me from Church and from visiting Africa last time. To the one’s that don’t, I’m 17 years old and my parents are John and Lucy, who have been to Africa before and I’m going again with my Dad. I have 3 siblings and a nephew; 2 of them have also been privileged enough to visit South Africa with Hands on a couple of occasions, as mentioned in John’s blog. 

I also visited South Africa with my Mum, Dad and the team in 2022 and it was a life changing experience. The challenges of every day life for the families out there put a different perspective on the way we see our own lives. I believe that although times may be tough for all of them, the love of God has sent Hands at Work to help provide an element of stability to those who are in desperate need. 

The reason I have chosen to go again is to inspire others, listen to what God’s calling me to - to revisit how strong the connection between myself and Christ is out there. Last time I went I felt that you hear and see God in everything you do and the way they worship enhances the communication with the Father. 

I think the team this year will be great and there’s quite a few who are going for the first time and I believe it will be brilliant to see their stories and how God is calling them. One of the members in the team is my cousin (Harry), who will explain his story in a few days time and I believe this is an amazing opportunity for us to share together as family. 

Thanks to all those supporting us and helping us to do God’s work. 


Monday 17 June 2024

Meet the 2024 team - Adam

Hi There, I’m Adam and I am honoured to say I will be heading out to South Africa this summer alongside a wonderful group of people including my parents and younger sister. This is an experience which we are extremely excited to be able to go through together and build our faith and provide for those less fortunate as a family supporting one another in this venture. 

Having been a member of St Andrews church for most of my life, I have seen in recent years as other groups have ventured out to South Africa with Hands at Work and heard about their personal experiences.  This has built a fierce desire in me to also go to South Africa and embark of this life changing experience. 

Reflecting on our preparations, I am in awe of how we have been brought together and how well we have done. Only a few months ago, we faced the daunting task of raising £6,000 to fund our trip—a goal that seemed overwhelming at the time. Yet, through faith, determination, and the support of our community, this financial target is virtually complete. This, to me, is a testament to the belief that God is not only leading us but also providing for us in every step of our journey.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Meet the 2024 team - John


Hi, I’m John, I’m married to Lucy, we have four children and currently one grandson. I have worshipped at St Andrew’s church since my teenage years and have been delighted by the way our relationship with Hands at Work, and our partner community of Mafambisa, have developed and grown over the last number of years.

I witnessed the effect going to visit and share in the work of Hands in Africa had on Lucy; my daughter, Jessica; and my eldest son, Oliver; and felt hugely privileged to be part of the team in 2022. 

The visit was humbling, inspiring and uplifting; to see the work of the Hands team, the kindness of the Care Workers, and the pure unbridled enthusiasm of the children first hand was a real joy. We prayed, we ate, we played, we laughed, and we shared in moments of difficulty and anxiety, but it certainly made me think again about the priorities of life and what I consider to be important. One of the things that made a great impact on me were the Holy Home Visits; being invited into the homes of people in communities, listening to their stories, however challenging, was very special and something that has stayed with me. Since my return, amidst all the business and strains we experience in everyday life, it has made me appreciate things more and be thankful that I am truly blessed.

I’m really looking forward to our visit this year, I’m excited about going back, seeing how things have progressed, meeting old friends and new, and traveling with this year’s Team. I’m eager to join again with the fantastic work of Hands, and walk alongside the care workers as they cook, visit homes and care for the children of their community.

Friday 14 June 2024

Mafambisa 2024!!

It has been nearly two years since we sent a team out to Mafambisa and South Africa to support the work of Hands at Work but we are excited to share that in just a little over a month they will be off! 

Over the next few days and weeks we will be sharing pictures and introductions to the 2024 team so watch this space! The first one drops tomorrow. 

Here are a few photographs from when Alice and Chris went last year to visit to get you back into the daily blog readings! 
