Sunday, 23 July 2017

Sunday 23rd July 2017 - Arrival at the Hands Village

Sunday 23rd July 2017

So yesterday was the day, the day we became a team and embarked on an incredible journey. The experiences we had shared and the training we had done all came down to this moment. Check-in was the opening of a new adventure. Nervous excitement was channelled in laughter and Heathrow was our meeting place… thank you to all those who came to the Commissioning Service, the Saturday afternoon send-off and those who drove us to the airport. It has been wonderful to be surrounded by some much love, prayer and support.

During the flight, we were treated to some magnificent thunderstorms over France and northern Africa; it was an amazing perspective to be above the storms and see the clouds and land illuminated with lightening. Having landed in Johannesburg, we were driven to Alzoo where we stopped for a quick break and a lunch stop overlooking a rhino with calf, ostrich, water buffalo, impala and some very lively fish in a feeding hole as part of the Alzu Conservation Programme. We continued to travel east and arrived at the Hands Village at about 4:30pm. Following orientation with Loretta, we had some down time to get settled and sorted and then ate together. Our evening ended with a chat and an early night following a very long day.

This is our blog which will chronicle our time in South Africa, it is our outreach and we invite you to journey with us.


  1. Glad you guys arrived safe and sound hope you all have a great time x

  2. So pleased to hear you all got there safely. Have a good nights rest all ready for your first day of excitement tomorrow x
