Saturday 27 July 2024

Meet the team 2024 - Alice


The last member of our 2024 team is Alice. Here is a bit of her story and why she is returning to Mafambisa this year. 

My name is Alice and I am excited to be returning back to my second home after only 7 months. I spent the whole of 2023 volunteer teaching in a Primary School near Durban. It was a roller coaster of a year of learning how to be a ‘local’, teach the SA curriculum in a school doing education differently, navigate the challenges of the government and paperwork as well as finding time to meet some incredible people and explore more of the beautiful country!

 During that time Chris (My Dad) came to visit for two weeks and we had a wonderful time exploring KwaZulu - Natal and road tripping across the African plains stopping to take in various historic sites such as where Nelson Mandela was captured. We finished our two weeks by visiting and spending time with Hands at Work. We reunited with our Care Workers at Mafambisa and also helped out on a Youth Camp which was a new experience for us. 

I have visited Hands at Work many times now over the years and every time I am blown away by the joy and hope that shines out of the Care Point, Care Workers, Service Centre and ultimately the children. Mafambisa and other Care Points that we have and will visit are beacons of light in a broken and hurt community but yet despite challenges the children are put at the forefront! 

I am excited to be returning back home to the ‘Hands Family’ - to be hanging out and encouraging the Care Workers and spending time with the children that we have come to know and love over the years. I love to chop vegetables and stir that Pap! I love that they are excited to see those of us that have been before and get to know those that they haven’t! It is like a family reunion! 

My prayers for this year as we embark on our trip today are; 

- Safe travels to SA and around the Care Points 

- For the team to be able to encourage and empower the Care Workers and Service Centre - that we maybe a blessing to them in the short time we are there

- For the ‘first timers’ on the team are to experience Gods love peace as we journey and navigate this together 

- That the whole team will hear from God, be lead by his Spirit and be changed by these next two weeks

- For fun and laughter in every aspect of our trip


  1. So jealous Alice. Have a great time in that sunshine of a place full of Gods love.
    Ginger nut

  2. Thanks, as ever, Alice, for your inspirational, wonderfully committed and steadfast support for children, their faith & learning in this country & SA, for many of our St Andrew’s teams & their related struggles & activities, Alice. We all pray that your hopes & aspirations will be met.
