Monday 1 August 2022

Community Day 6 - Oshoek

(Panoramic view of Oshoek Care Point on top of the hill)

The morning began, as all Monday mornings begin, with “Men’s Prayer” in the chapel at 7.00am. The theme for our time together was taken from Ephesians 6 and Joshua 8; standing firm for one another as brothers in Christ. Supporting one another when our brothers need help; being strong enough to admit when we are struggling in any aspect of our lives and asking for support. But also knowing and recognising one another’s needs; and being brave enough to question one another’s decisions and motives. Much food for thought for all of us present, whose cultures historically saw men as strong and independent, who didn’t share their problems or seek help.

This led nicely on to the weekly “Hands” meeting - with a few minutes for breakfast and a coffee in between - where the focus was on communities. Building strong, supportive communities as a firm foundation for the work in the care points and, in turn, the communities they serve. We heard reports from “Hands” teams in Zambia, Malawi and Zimbabwe, where they are endeavouring to build their own communities, but as part of the “Hands family”. We shared in a time of praise and prayer, and sang Happy Birthday to George Snyman, the Hands founder, who is leaving South Africa on Thursday to visit and support centres in other African countries. The whole group then surrounded and prayed for our team as we embarked on our three day visit to the Oshoek service centre.

Packing our bags quickly after the meeting, we loaded the minibus and set off for Oshoek, a three hour journey out to the mountains and very close to the Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) border. We drove through heavy cloud and some fog, but what we could see of the scenery was quite beautiful and spectacular.

(Bubbles with the little children)

On arrival, we quickly ate a roll and fruit for lunch and set off for the local Care Point, within walking distance of the service centre which would be our home for the next couple of days. We arrived just as most of the children arrived too - school finishing earlier than we are used to in the UK. After meeting the care workers, introducing ourselves and praying together, we gathered in a building which had been built since the last St Andrew’s team visit. The children led singing of praise songs and we shared in a short time of prayer before serving the children their lunch.

(Lucy particularly loved the drawings in the cooking building) 

(The kitchen) 

As everyone finished their food we got out the large skipping rope that we had brought with us, and some of the adults (followed by the children) showed off their skipping skills - some with more success than others!! After all had eaten we all went outside to play with the children; more skipping, frisbee, bubbles and, of course, football. The children really enjoyed the activities and it was great to be part of the interaction between the children, the service centre staff, the care workers and ourselves. We ended our time at the care point with the children’s highlight of every afternoon  - singing and dancing led by Jack and Ben. The enthusiasm, energy and joy of the children is certainly something to behold, but after a few rounds of “Shine” and “Be Happy” it was time for the children to leave and us to walk back to our accommodation.

At the end of each day, we always have a time to share how we think the day has gone, our highlights and maybe the things which have troubled us. As we sat around the wood burner, drinking tea and chatting, there was a knock on the door. Outside was one of the boys who attended the care point, who had walked with Jack and Ben; he had been home to change out of his school uniform and returned to ask the boys if they wanted to play football with him. Evidence of how quickly relationships can be made and how much our visits are appreciated. 


  1. Super informative blog; very interesting reflection from the men’s prayer session; great that you’re spending more time in one community too; greater depth for stronger roots, routes to understanding and foundations… thank you for all you’re doing and sharing. Particular thanks to Ben and Jack, who are clearly making wonderful direct connections from which so many others are benefitting. Real disciples and ambassadors!

  2. Each blog makes me smile and fill with pride for the work you are all doing

  3. Thinking of you as you continue your work. So touching that the little lad wanted Ben and Jack to play football. Love Sue & Brian xx

  4. Another wonderful testimony of Jesus's words in action. Continue Living God's Love!
    Much love and blessings to you all.
    Angela xx

  5. Another fantastic blog keep up the gd work guys .look forward for next blog.
